Fringe Premium Bollard Pack

Fringe Premium Bollard Pack

Regular price $287.49
Tax included.

Number of Posters Per Week
Campaign Weeks

Tall Premium Bollard (594 x 2523mm)

Our Premium Bollard posters pack a punch in high pedestrian locations and ensure that your message gets noticed.
Poster placement between Saturday and Monday, and runs for 1 week. 

For campaign extensions, please enquire further to
3 X Premium Talls | $250.00 NET

Poster File:

Actual Poster Sizes Width Height
Max A0 920mm 1320mm
A1 594mm 841mm
A3 297mm 420mm
  • Portrait artwork only
  • Please add bleed of 5mm to every side, unless you wish to have a white border on your artwork

File Size:

Phantom only accepts, flattened, high resolution PDFs.

When exporting the PDF, please ensure:

  • All fonts are embedded
  • Crop marks at 5mm each side
  • Supply at 300dpi to the size of the document
  • Images contained must be compressed to keep the size of the document manageable


  • Your Artwork is due by 12pm Monday prior to going live
  • We paste your posters from Saturday to Monday and you will receive confirmation when this has been completed
  • If your Artwork is late, we may not be able to paste your posters on the specified date